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Skid steer brush cutter

  • brush cutter
  • Status: New
  • Description: New 6' skid steer quick attach rotary cutter, brush cutter. These are good for gr, weeds, briers, and light brush. They are rated up to 2" they are not land clearing type cutters just good economy cutters for the money. 1950.00 plus tax or farm tax number. Call Chris at Farm Service Solutions  931-242-7675
  • Model:
    • Size: 6', Price: 1995

A skid steer brush cutter is a versatile and powerful machine used for clearing dense vegetation and overgrown areas. It features a heavy-duty cutting deck with sharp blades that can effortlessly slice through thick brush, shrubs, and small trees. It is commonly used in landscaping, forestry, and land clearing projects.